How Much Can You Charge for Simple Social Media Services

How Much Can You Charge for Simple Social Media Services

Social media managers, rejoice! Full service, done-for-you social media management isn’t the only way to support your clients with your skills & expertise… there’s a simpler way! 

Platform audits, social media strategy builds & VIP days are what we call “Simple Services” because they don’t require the same long-term commitment, or daily juggling, as full service retainer clients.

If you want to supplement your income & increase revenue with short term, less hands-on services, these 3 offers are the perfect solution. 

But many social media managers wonder if it’s possible to charge premium prices for these offers? 

The short answer is YES! 

The long answer is BUT IT DEPENDS… 

When pricing your services, there are a lot of factors to consider – including your experience & skill level, location, your clients & their goals, the results you provide, your overhead expenses, etc. 

In order to price your Simple Services at a premium, you’ll need to ensure you’re providing an elevated experience at every touch point with the client. 

How much can you charge for services like platform audits, social media strategies & VIP Days? Keep reading to find out… 

1 | How Much Can You Charge for a Platform Audit?

Platform audits help a business owner to quickly identify areas of improvement and opportunities for growth on their preferred social media platforms. 

By conducting a comprehensive audit, you’ll better understand your client's needs and goals, while providing tailored recommendations that will positively impact their online presence. 

Pricing for a Basic Audit (one platform) ranges from $100-$350+ USD. During a basic audit you’ll review a single platform, make observations & provide advice, feedback & suggestions based on overall best practices. 

Pricing for a Premium Audit ranges from $350-$500+ USD. During a premium audit you’ll review one or more platforms, make observations & provide in-depth advice, customized feedback and suggestions based on the client’s goals, their industry, etc. 

With both options there’s an opportunity to up-sell a client from the platform audit into the next "best fit" service option. This could be a content planning call, a strategy build, a VIP day, etc.

Based on the observations and next steps you uncover in the audit, you can determine what sort of follow-up support makes the most sense. 


Ready to supplement your full service income & boost your revenue with this Simple Service for Social Media Managers?


2 | How Much Can You Charge for a Social Media Strategy? 

A well-researched, data-informed social media strategy is the key to any business’ success on a social media platform.

Pricing for a Basic Social Media Strategy ranges from $500-$1500+ USD. 

Pricing for a Premium Social Media Strategy ranges from $1500-$3500+ USD. 

What constitutes a Basic versus a Premium strategy will differ from service provider to service provider – but keep in mind that you can charge more for including things like additional social media platforms, extensive market & competitor research, and by including "add-ons" like content calendar builds & graphic templates. 

Shop Social Media Strategy Templates

3 | How Much Can You Charge for a VIP Day? 

Your VIP Day offer can be priced similarly to a monthly full service retainer package - but requires far less juggling. 

By replacing some of your “done-for-you” monthly management clients with VIP Day clients, you could work less on the time-consuming daily tasks, while still earning the same – if not more - revenue each month. 

This results-focused, time-saving support can cost a client anywhere from $1000 to $5,000+ USD, depending on the offer details. 

If you designed a transformational VIP Day offer & priced it at $3000, you’d only need to work with 3 VIP clients per month in order to earn a six-figure revenue in your business!


Design your own high-ticket VIP Day offer in less time & with fewer questions!