Whether you’re just starting your business or you’ve been at it for a while, in order to stay in business offering social media services, you need clients to offer those services to… and in this video, I’m sharing 3 of the best ways for you to find & sign new, ideal clients for your social media business!
1 | Activate Your IRL Network
Your friends, family, favorite barista at Starbucks-- you have to tell people what you do, who you do it for, and then ask them if they know anyone who may need social media management to connect you with. Referrals from a trusted source are far more likely to be good, warm leads than sending cold emails into the void…
2 | Activate Your Online Network
Stay active & helpful on social media & inside of Facebook groups-- this is just another way to grow your network. Sure, these people may have never met you in real life, but the more consistently you show up on their fave platforms sharing knowledge & value, the more familiar you become.
You can even go so far as to create a referral network with other service-based business owners and share leads for various projects. Our clients have asked me if I know of any copywriters, ads strategists, designers, illustrators, etc… all of which I’ve referred to people I either personally know or have connected with on the internet!
When it comes to hiring, Google usually isn’t our first choice, we go to where we know people first!
3 | Use Freelancer Sites Like Upwork
Having a profile on the most popular freelancing sites, like Upwork, is a great way to supplement your income or if you’re just getting started, to find your first clients! Be sure to set your profile up 100%— then don’t just sit around waiting for people to invite you to apply, start searching keywords for your ideal client or industry and apply for jobs that look interesting.
You can even go as far as to make this a weekly habit, spending an hour or two per week reaching out for interesting jobs! One of my very BEST clients found me on Upwork in my first few months of my business and that experience helped me build up the confidence to sign more, premium clients… and there are plenty of people out there who use platforms like these to book clients regularly!